Pokémon YellowStory: Same as before, but Jessie/James/Meowth (that's right!) make a few appearances. You can see the big list in my preview. Gameplay: You go around talking to people, fighting wild and trainer Pokémon, yada yada yada. Anyway, everything is very intuitive, and you rarely end up in a situation where you have to spend a lot of time raising your levels. The only quibble I have is that the computer opponents provide little challenge. (Sound fimiliar? It should!) 3.5 (out of 4) Graphics: Much of the character art was redrawn to reflect the TV show. Also, Partial (meaning SGB-level) GBC support has been added, which is very nice. Game Boy Printer quality is about what you'd expect. 3.5 Music & Sound: In addition to grainy (one sounds like pikacheese) voice samples, yellow also contains three stereo options (in addition to mono). 3.2 Play Control: Perfect, just like before. 4.0 Raw average (25%, 25%, 25%, 25%): 3.6 Tilt average (40%, 15%, 10%, 35%): 3.6 My score: 3.8 The Final Say: Is Pokémon Yellow worth buying if you already bought Red/Blue? It depends. If you'd rather not hear the word Pikachu again, don't buy it. If you love Pikachu, or just want to play the game again, you should.