Pokémon Yellow

One inherent problem with Pokémon is that you only play it once. Unlike other RPGs, it's impractical to start over. The only way to do it again is to buy another game. That's where yellow comes in. It has made me realize just how good Pokémon is.

Story: Same as before, but Jessie/James/Meowth (that's right!) make a few appearances. You can see the big list in my preview.

Gameplay: You go around talking to people, fighting wild and trainer Pokémon, yada yada yada. Anyway, everything is very intuitive, and you rarely end up in a situation where you have to spend a lot of time raising your levels. The only quibble I have is that the computer opponents provide little challenge. (Sound fimiliar? It should!)

3.5 (out of 4)

Graphics: Much of the character art was redrawn to reflect the TV show. Also, Partial (meaning SGB-level) GBC support has been added, which is very nice. Game Boy Printer quality is about what you'd expect.


Music & Sound: In addition to grainy (one sounds like pikacheese) voice samples, yellow also contains three stereo options (in addition to mono).


Play Control: Perfect, just like before.


Raw average (25%, 25%, 25%, 25%): 3.6

Tilt average (40%, 15%, 10%, 35%): 3.6

My score: 3.8

The Final Say: Is Pokémon Yellow worth buying if you already bought Red/Blue? It depends. If you'd rather not hear the word Pikachu again, don't buy it. If you love Pikachu, or just want to play the game again, you should.

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