Pokémon Red/BlueStory: Do I have to? Okay, you're this kid named Ash who trains these animals (called Pokémon) and wants to become a great master, but you knew that. Gameplay: You go around talking to people, fighting wild and trainer Pokémon, yada yada yada. Anyway, everything is very intuitive, and you rarely end up in a situation where you have to spend a lot of time raising your levels. The only quibble I have is that the computer opponents provide little challenge. 3.5 (out of 4) Graphics: Okay, so the overworld map graphics will never win awards, but the battle graphics look pretty good. Unfortunately, this is the last major game before the GBC revolution, and it shows. 3.3 Music & Sound: Well, if you ever played the puzzle game Yoshi, the music is pretty similar, and the sound is also interestingly poor for even a Game Boy game. 2.8 Play Control: Very good. There's really nothing wrong with it. 4.0 Raw average (25%, 25%, 25%, 25%): 3.4 Tilt average (40%, 15%, 10%, 35%): 3.6 My score: 3.7 |