Pokémon: The Movie 3 on DVDStory: Same as in the theater: Pikachu and Pichu: Pikachu gallivants around with Pichu to get across the street (it's really better than it sounds). Spell of the Unknown: Molly Hale's father disappears while searching for the Unown, who she discovers. The Unown begin to make the world shape like that which Molly imagines, creating the legendary Pokémon, Entei. There's more, but who really wants to know? Extras:
-French Language Track 3.3 (out of 4) Gameplay: Well, the menus still do some stuff. Graphics:Well, they're okay, but why no widescreen? 3.2 Music & Sound:The commentary is nice, but the actual movie sound seems a bit less developed. 3.0 Play Control: Well, the menus are simple enough to navigate. Raw average: 3.2 Tilt average (50%, 25%, 25%): 3.2 My score: 3.2 The Final Say: I guess so. The DVD is very good, but the movie isn't.