Pokémon: The First Movie: Hype, Hype Hype

As we all (should) know, all (really big) movies have a large amount of hype leading up to them (unless they were one of the lucky few who shot a $27 movie and made millions). Here's timeline for a certain upcoming movie.

Calling all trainers... Summer, 1999: Teaser trailer put up on internet.

August, 1999: Teaser Trailer released with The Iron Giant.

September 14, 1999: Full trailer released to internet.

October 5, 1999: Advertising begins on Kids' WB.

October 6, 1999:Full trailer (!) aired on Kids' WB.

November 8, 1999: Burger King begins Kids' Meal tie-in.

November 10, 1999: Movie released in theaters.

January 1, 2000: World ends because programmers watched Pokémon: The First Movie instead of fixing the Y2K bug.

The story so far:

MewTwo and Mew If you've been watching Pokémon recently, you noticed an eerily familiar Pokémon by the name of MewTwo. In this movie, MewTwo decides that humans are evil abusers of Pokémon who need to be eliminated (considering MewTwo was developed by Team Rocket, this is not surprising).

In comes Ash, everyone's favorite trainer from Pallet (given the alternative), who meets Mew, the genetically-enhanced Pokémon's "mother" ("he was such a nice boy until he got hooked up with those Team Rocket people"). So begins one of most anticipated movies of all time (note that plot details may be different from what I have stated).

The hype

Going up stairs Musical details have emerged that point out that several outside musical groups (such as M2M) will be doing music for the movie. Also, it has been announced that while supplies last, viewers of the movie will receive one of four special TCG cards.

Nintendo has also received unintentional publicity in the form of a lawsuit, alleging that the popular TCG card game is a form of gambling, and a whacked-out minister alleging that Pokémon contains satanic references and elevates children above God (I wonder if he buys bridges, too).

Training is over

Pokémon The First Movie opens November 12 So, with barely a month left to go, the game series/TV show/comic book/card game/apparel line/album/parental annoyance/toy line is poised to rule the theaters. So now we wait for the next little nugget, the next tidbit of information to float our way. These are indeed exciting times to live in.

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