Factors of Production: What Makes a Good Pokémon Episode

Having watched about a zillion hours of Pokémon, I think I've finally figured out what makes a good episode, and I've narrowed it down to the following factors:

- Ash
- Ash/Misty bickering
- Team Rocket
- Psyduck
- Male Swooning
- Annoying Characters/Cheesy Overacting
- Misc.


In some ways, Ash is actually the weakest part of the show. The less Ash, the better the episode.


March of The Exeggutor Squad: This episode is great because the first minutes focus on Misty, and for the rest of the episode, Ash is under hypnosis and can't make any dumb statements.

Go West, Young Meowth: This episode revolves around Meowth, so it's another good one.

Ash/Misty Bickering

If there's one thing Ash is good for, it's arguing. These can be some of the best moments of the series.


The Problem with Paras: This is one of my personal favorites, the "cheeseburger" argument. This one is particularly good due to the inflection in Misty's voice.

Practically every episode: Of course, the thing most likely to set off an argument is the word "bike." Few early episodes come away without a mention of this fact.

Team Rocket

In particular, Team Rocket can wind up being a positive or negative influence on an episode. The line appears to be if they are actually fighting Ash or not. When they aren't, the episode is good. When they are, things go downhill fast.


Showdown at Dark City: This episode is great because Team Rocket has joined one of the rival gyms. As such, they never really come in conflict with our heroes.

Pokémon Emergency!: This episode shows nothing but the characters fighting with each other. How fun.


Psyduck (and to a lesser extent, Victreebel) provide a great deal of comic relief. More Psyduck equals more laughs.


The Poké-Ninja Showdown: There's a great scene here where Team Rocket progressively worsens Psyduck's headache until it paralyzes them.

Male Swooning

It's always funny when one of the male characters shows affection towards a female-either Brock directly or Tracey through his sketches. Conversely, the rare occasions where a female character shows affection are also nice.

Annoying Characters/Cheesy Overacting

As you've probably guessed, this category does not help the episode. In particular, Gary Oak tends to really hurt any episode he appears in. Additionally, many characters will overdramatize a situation with their actions. I realize this is a cartoon, but still...


Additionally, there are a variety of other factors that can determine the quality of the show. In-jokes, music, and plot twists are just some of the additional factors involved in determining the quality of the show.


So, why do some episodes rule and others are dumber than Slowbro? These factors determine that. Keep an eye out for them the next time you watch.

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