The Central Stadium Challenge Photo Quiz

That's right, Central Stadium Challenge. I have to warn you-these are pretty bad pictures, taken with a bad disposible camera, and put on the PhotoCD off-center.

Here I am with a major Wizpog board member:

Sorry about that, T-Tar.

Now Master Trainer Mike was nice enough to take a few pictures for me (thank you). Here's one of them:

That calzone was good, though. Here's another picture taken by the Weedlemeister:

Don't believe me? Look closer:

Look, here's another Wizpog board member:

A little too close to the flash. Here I am again:

"Hello, I'm Steven Reich for Pokéwatch/PIRN! No, I'm Steven Reich for Pokéwatch/PIRN. No..."

Now for a late scene:

And here's the front table:

That actually is Bucky Badger Wisconsin String Cheese there that I gave to the MTs. I hope they remebered to peel it off, then eat it.

Ever wonder what the hotel looked like? Well...

And, yes, parking was that expensive. I also got some cool loot:

A little self-deprication for me. Now for one last shot:

That was a shot taken by me by accident about a month after the event in our van.

Now, those of you at the WCSC might have seen a picture by my in TRCassidy. This was the picture:

Her printer had some problems, so hers probably looked different.Now if you excuse me, I have to go hide somewhere.

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