Best of the Web

Since my last editorial focused on a major negative, I figured I'd focus on the positive this time with some of my favorite sites.

Pokémon Village

This site provides several of my resources: Topsites, bannerswap, and more, but its real draw is its members section, with auctions, games, and more.

The Mushroom Kingdom

Yes, I realize that SMBHQ is my parent site, but we're all good friends here anyway. one thing this site specializes in is media files. Be sure to check out WTMK internet radio. It's full of Mario tunes (though maybe a bit high on Mario theme remixes), and even has a few commercials.

Mr.T vs Everything

Like you didn't know. I love Mr. T VS X comics, and this place has lots of 'em. It also has a message board.

Only Mac users need apply to this site, dedicated to the only first-person-shooter I've ever liked. It may look old (circa 1996), but it still has cool features like internet play. Oh, and be sure to go on the Avara Level Index and check out Corporate Espionage, created by yours truly.

Well, There you have it. The best of the best. I hope you enjoy these sites as much as I do.

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