Broken Mirror Gym (Stadium Card)

Broken Mirror Gym

This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play.

If a player uses an attack copied from another Pokémon (even if the Pokémon as a whole was copied) or the final result of another Pokémon's attack, he or she flips a coin. If tails, that attack or result does nothing (not even damage).

Behind The Scenes: Another altered card. this one broadens the effect to include Ditto.

Card: 083/100

Pokéwatch Card Rulings: There are two important things to ask when decding if an attack is subject to this stadium:

1. Is the word copy used?
2. Is the attack being copied from a self-functioning entity?

Using this standard:

Ditto: Flip
Sabrina's Alakazam: Flip
Clefairy: Flip
Brock's Ninetales: No Flip (an Evolution card is not by itself a Pokémon)

Photo Credit: Pokémon Picture Archive.

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