Officer Jenny's Haunter

Officer Jenny's Haunter

Evolves from Officer Jenny's Gastly

HP: 60

Type: Psychic

Weakness: None

Resistance: Fighting (-30)

Retreat Cost: 1

Tear Gas: 20 Damage: If you have 1 or more Benched Pokémon and Officer Jenny's Haunter is attacked during your opponent's next turn, he or she flips 2 coins. If both of them are heads, the attack works normally. If exactly one is heads, choose 1 of your benched Pokémon and do all damage that would have been done to Officer Jenny's Haunter to that Pokémon (any other effects of the attack are still done to Officer Jenny's Haunter). If both of them are tails, the attack does nothing.

Cost: 2 Psychic

Behind The Scenes: Rather unusual, no? I don't have to tell you to combine this card with Nurse Joy's Kadabra, do I?

Pokéwatch Card Ruling: Don't apply weakness or resistance for benched Pokémon (thank you, WOTC!).

Card: 037/100

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