Nurse Joy's KadabraEvolves from Nurse Joy's Abra HP: 50 Type: Psychic Weakness: Psychic Resistance: None Retreat Cost: 1 Pokémon Power: Bench Shield: As long as Nurse Joy's Kadabra is Benched don't apply effects (including damage) of your opponent's Pokémon's attacks and Pokémon Powers to your Benched Pokémon. Psywave: 30 Damage Cost: 2 Psychic Behind The Scenes: This is one of the most influntial Pokémon I have created. Say bye-bye to Muk, Gengar, NP Mewtwo, and Murkrow. Psywave is used simply because I didn't want to use Psychic again. Pokéwatch Card Ruling: Attacks that change the defending Pokémon who do the damage first should just cancel the switching, but if they switch first the attack fails. Card: 036/100 Photo credit: Pokémon Picture Archive