Nurse Joy's Alakazam

Nurse Joy's Alakazam

Evolves from Nurse Joy's Kadabra

HP: 70

Type: Psychic

Weakness: Psychic

Resistance: None

Retreat Cost: 3

Pokémon Power: Bench Block: Don't add damage or flip coins for your opponent's Benched Pokémon if Nurse Joy's Alakazam is attacked. Also, don't apply effects (including damage) of your opponent's Benched Pokémon's Pokémon Powers to this card. This power stops working if Nurse Joy's Alakazam is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.

Psyblast: 60 Damage

Cost: 3 Psychic, 1 Colorless

Behind The Scenes: Who'd have though though the ultimate Wiggly and Sneasel killer would be psychic? It took me a long time to edit down that Pokémon Power, but I did it. Originally, I was considering a retreat cost of just 2, but then I wanted to make Psyblast bigger. I'd reccomend combining this card with a good TM card.

Card: 006/100

Photo credit: Adopt-a-Pokémon

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