Adam's Jolteon

Adam's Jolteon

Evolves from Adam's Eevee

HP: 70

Type: Lightning

Weakness: Fighting

Resistance: None

Retreat Cost: 1

Thundersphere: 20 Damage: Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for this attack. (Any effects that would happen after applying Weakness or Resistance still happen.)

Cost: 2 Lightning

Delta Force: Thunder: 40 Damage. If you have 1 or more Adam's Vaporeons and 1 or more Adam's Flareons on your bench, flip a coin. If heads, the defending Pokémon is Paralyzed.

Cost: 3 Lightning

Behind The Scenes: The first in a series of three. This card isn't too powerful, but in combination with the others.

Pokéwatch Card Ruling: The last sentence on Thunder should have the word now between is and Paralyzed.

Card: 005/100

Photo credit: Ken Sugimori/PA!

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