Nurse Joy's Chansey

Nurse Joy's Chansey

HP: 100

Type: Colorless

Weakness: Fighting

Resistance: Psychic (-30)

Retreat Cost: 3

Nondiscrimination: Remove a damage counter from any Pokémon in play.

Restraint: 30 Damage. Flip a coin. If heads, the defending Pokémon can't retreat next turn except by a move or trainer card.

Cost: 3 Colorless

Behind The Scenes: Nurse Joy's Chansey is probably one of the most interesting cards (albeit with one of the worst attack names) I've ever created, particularly because the original Chansey had a retreat cost of one. Granted, the description for Restraint is a tad excessive, but still...

Photo Credit: Pokémon Picture Archive

Card: 003/100

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