Officer Jenny's Arcanine

Officer Jenny's Arcanine

Evolves from Officer Jenny's Growlithe

HP: 80

Type: Fire

Weakness: Water

Resistance: None

Retreat Cost: 2

Pokémon Power: Blind Justice: If a Pokémon Power (other than Blind Justice) would change Officer Jenny's Arcanine's max HP, retreat cost, type, weakness, resistance, status, or damage done by Fire Blast, don't apply that Pokémon power to this card. This power stops working while Officer Jenny's Arcanine is Asleep, Confused or Paralyzed.

Fire Blast: 50 Damage

Cost: 3 Fire

Behind The Scenes: Oy! So much text on this card, I had to violate so many point size and margin rules. As you'll notice, this is also the first card to feature an icon. I hope you enjoy this card a lot.

Pokéwatch Card Ruling: Here's a list of examples of Pokémon Powers that would and not be affected (as examples):


-Retreat Aid
-Long-Distance Hypnosis
-Kabuto Armor
-Pollen Stench
-Sticky Goo

Would Not:

-Restless sleep (doesn't affect damage taken)
-Toxic Gas/Stare(Neo 2) (the Pokémon power is disabling the Pokémon Power, not directly changing any of it)
-Any Baby Power (not a Pokémon Power)
-Prehistoric Power (if Aerodactyl is present, Officer Jenny's Growlithe can't evolve)

Photo Credit: Pokémon Picture Archive

Card: 002/100

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